Well fuck. I've been not so great this week. And by week I mean year. It's just been a whole lot of pain for me, so I've had trouble getting much physical shit done.
Activity: Blogging with the bestie!
Activity Prompt: Describe a situation in which you felt shame or guilt. How did you move past those feelings?
Alone or with partners: Me and bestieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Drink and snack with activity: I'm having dinner, halal cart "chicken" with cabbage, and a polar seltzer
Physical activities log
Morning ab routine
5 ab roller rolls: Yes
Blogilates morning abs: Yes
Quarter mile walk every hour on the hour, 10-5: No bitch it is legit 0 degrees out.
Weighted walking:
Shoulder shrugs during the day: Yes
45 minutes of PB: No. My back pain is at flare time.
45 minutes of cycling:
45 minutes of weight lifting:
Carbs: 23/23
Fat: 137/144
Protein: 99/116
Calories: 1814/1850
So while I was filling out my macros, I was trying to force my brain into focusing on any other time I've felt shame or guilt, because I didn't want to write about this one. I have lived a SUPER shameful, embarassing, guilt-ridden life, are you fucking kidding me? I write stories in my main blog about my shame all the time. But this story just got stuck in my teeth and there was no shaking it loose.
Back in 2011, when I was still with Dan, I had a pretty solid routine down. I would wake up at 4:30 AM at Dan's to go home, pick Allen up, and take him to work, hen I would go back home and sleep for an hour or two before waking Alex up a7:30. I would take my daughter to school every morning, a few days a weeek I would go to work, I would pick my daughter up from school, play with her for a few hours, make her dinner if it was my night, give her a bath, and then go over to Dan's house for the night, to start all over again. Most nights I would eat before I went over to Dan's, because like...no joke, I'm prety convinced he had an eating disorder. We were together for a long time, and I only really recall him eating like a human on, I don't know, maybe five occasions? Otherwise he ate like a fucking bird. A dead bird. Like a seed and an avocado with some water, though maybe the dude just got all of his macros from beer. He would kill a least 3 or 4 beers a night, MAYBE a six pack, though I can't say that for sure. He did have to stop for beer on his way home almost every fucking night. And I damn near lived with him, so I would get a extthat rang along the lines of, "you can make your way over to me now, babe, I'm stopping to get beer". I do not remember Dan ever having like....human food in his apartment. The few times he did it was because I offered to cook for him, but for real, we would legit at avocados with a bit of oil and some salt and pepper. I'm beefy, bitch! I need snacks!! Keep snacks in your apartment for your rubenesque wench. Better snacks than avocados. Which I love, but like...grow up, you fucking weirdo. Learn about real food. Or like...sorry about your eating disorder. Whichever one is more appropriate.
Sometimes Dan would get take out. Now, I have never been very high brow. I know food, I love food, I'm a great cook, but expensive dining was just not something I gave a fuck about. When Derek and I started dating, we talked about where we would take dates to measure how worthy they were of our time. Derek's place was McKenzie's Chop House in downtown Colorado Springs, a pretty nice steak house. Derek took me there after months of us dating, though I am pretty sure that I failed his eating lithmus test on our first trip together when I got drunk and ate all of his leftovers. I would take my dates to the same place, as well, but mine was way more low key. If I went on a first date with someone and I thought they were cool, the second date was to Taco Express, very lovingly referred to as "Greasy". Could my new interests kick it with a Corona and some messy as fuck Mexican food? Not a lot of people could, I wish that weren't true.
I didn't actually take Dan there, because I legit do not think he was cool enough to hang. As the years have gone by, I have realized tha I did not like Dan very much, I did not think very highly of him, I thought he was pretty fucking boring, honestly, and wildly uncool. One of the nicest things Allen ever said to me was that I made Dan so much cooler, and it was truly unfair that other women would get the benefit of all of my hard work. Thanks, bro bro.
So again, I didn't take Dan to Greasy, but if I was spending a weekend with my friends, he would text me to ask what I was doing, and I would usually say I was drunk with my besties, we got Greasy, and we were dancing and smoking and generally having a great time. I talked about Greast a LOT, and I was kind of fucking angry when I got a random weekend text from Dan telling me he and his friends went to Greasy and they thought it was amazing. Well yeah, man. It's Greasy, of course it is.
But that went into Dan's take out repertoire, but ONLY if he had gone out with his friends, not invited me, and then wanted to drunkenly fuck me when he got home. If we got Greasy, I ate way more of our usual (loaded taquitos) than he did, and he would throw out the leftovers a day or two afterwards because he never fucking ate anything in a meal portion. AND HE WAS A FUCKING RUNNER, WHERE DID HE GET HE ENERGY???
The other thing we would get is Chinese food. I wish I could remember from where, it was a pretty decent place, but one time...
one time.
I didn't have the money to cover my order, and I normally have a rule: I will not ask for food, or order anything, or go on a date if I do not have the funds to cover myself. Dan paid for everything 1000000% of the time, and I never ever ever had to ask him to do it, but if he wanted to eat somewhere, and I said yes, it was because I could take care of my own portion. I never had to, and I would find myself getting a litle complacent. Sometimes Dan would belike, want to get some Garbanzos for lunch? And I would say yes knowing I was broke, but knowing Dan would cover it.
So on this evening, I was prepping through my routine, I had just finished making Alex her dinner and I was getting ready to give her a bath, when I got a text from Dan saying I should come over in an hour, would I pick up Chinese on the way? He was running late and he couldn't stop and he just wanted to be able to come home, eat dinner with me, and have me lay on his lap for the night.
I didn't have the cash to pick up the food. I had just paid rent and electric, I was flat fuckin broke.
So I told him sorry, I didn't have the energy to grab the food.
He was like, babe. I'm starving and I've had a long day, I just want you and Chinese food, can you please pick it up.
I was like, I can pick it up if you call in what you want, I don't want any. I figured if it was just HIS food, he wouldn't make me pay for it, he'd call it in and pay for it like a normal person, and I could pick it up, eat something before heading to Dan's, and be fine.
He was ike, so if I call this in and get you an order of General Tso's chicken, you're telling me you won't eat it? And I was sarting to get agitated and embarrassed and I was like, NO, I don't want anything. So he asked again if I would just go pick up his meal, he'd pay me back, he just wanted to go straight home.
So I snapped as much as anyone could via text that I was broke and I couldn't g pick up his food for him.
And that didn't make me feel as bad as what he said next, which was:
I know. I knew you were broke and that was why you didn't want to pick up food, I just wanted to force you to tell me.
I was fucking MORTIFIED. Beyond mortified. The great shame I felt swell up in me is pretty fucking unmatched over forty years of shameful shenanigans.
Dan went on to use this as some great lesson in couple's intimacy. That we had to be able to talk about these things together, I should be able to tell him when I've got money problems, blah blah blah. And like, irritatingly Dan was absolutely correct to say those things, I blame a stunning lack of intimacy on the demise of our relationship. Not that I think we would have lasted much longer than we did, it isn't like I think our lack of intimacy kept us from several long and happy years together, but I definitely think intimacy was a massive part of the misery I found myself in with Dan. But my guy, forcing me to say I'm too broke for take out was not the fucking move. Like, how is it intimacy to make your partner say something they don't want to say because they're embarrassed?
In the time Dan and I were together, nobody knew about me. Not his brothers, not his parents, not his friends. I couldn't be facebook friends with him. Mother fucker made me guess his birthday. So hearing about intimacy from him was rich. The running gag in my friend group was that Dan was married and I was his local side piece, but in my heart of hearts, I always knew it was because he was deeply ashamed of me.
I was cute enough to fuck, but not gorgeous.
I had a job, but it was part time and clerical.
I had two children already, never married. Pro and a con, I think.
I had been homeless.
I was flighty.
I was wildly unserious and I was super in love with this about myself.
I was artistic, but not talented.
I was smart...in fact Dan told me on more than one occasion that I was not just smart, but perhaps the smartest person he'd ever met...but I wasn't educated.
On paper, I was not any kind of pedigree of high quality. I was a free spirited 20 something that did enough to sustain themselves and their bad habits so they could fly through their twenties on selfish whims and bullshit. Like nature and god intended. But I was nothing compared to Dan. We met when we were 26, Dan already had his BS in something something I don't care...business something or other. He was a 2nd lieutenant in the army, though Derek says that's bottom of the barrel, he did something or other that sounded way more important than my clerical job at a real estate company. Dan had money, I did not, he had upstanding parents, I did not. I wrote once that I was like a homeless dog in Dan's shadow, acting beyond grateful for the shade, and I think that's true. I hadn't really noticed a difference in us until Dan found subtle ways to make sure I did.
So him setting me up to admit I was not as stable as he was leveled me. I didn't end up going to Dan's that night because I was mired in shame and self loathing.
How did I move through those feelings?
I robbed him.
Slowly, over time, I robbed him.
This is something I learned from the girls at the escort agency. If a man makes you feel worthless? Rob him fucking blind.