Friday, January 3, 2025

Have you considered a public tar and feathering?

I know the drill!


Activity: Blogging with the besie!

Activity Prompt: I's ten questions!!!

Alone or with partners: Blogging with the bestie!

Drink and snack with activity:

Physical activities log

Morning ab routine

5 ab roller rolls: No!

Blogilates morning abs: No!

Quarter mile walk every hour on the hour, 10-5: No! I am not feeling well at all!!










Weighted walking: No! I don't feel good!

Shoulder shrugs during the day: No! I said I don't feel good, dammit!


45 minutes of PB: No !


45 minutes of cycling: No!

45 minutes of weight lifting: No!






Ok, so this week we're doing like...and old school survey.

1. What is your favorite memory of us together?

This is really fucking tough, there are so many! We have almost three decades of friendship under our belts, how are we supposed to pick ONE favorite memory? I think I've got it, though. When Derek and I were getting married, it was a clear no brainer that Amber was going to be my maid of honor. Matron? Whatever. My main bitch of honor. It had been almost ten years since we had seen each other, which is far too long a time, so I think my favorite memory of us together was picking Amber up at the Denver Airport, and us running at each other and exploding intoa hug. Best memory. 

2. How do you envision our futures together as we get older?

Hopefully closer than we are now? I am happy that we blog together three nights a week, because I have missed having like, real connection time with my bestie. But I would love for us to occupy a closer space to each other where there can be several visits a year. When you think about like.....number of years left and average our visits out over the last ten years, we've seen each other three times in tten years. If we live another forty years, that's only12 more visits. If we keep at a three visit for ten years, we've got twelve visits left with each other before one of us dies. And that isn't enough. I need to live close enough to my bestie where we can see each other like, five times a year MINIMUM. 

3. What are three things you appreciate most about our relationship?

Hm. I think the thing I appreciate the most is there's no pretense. Like, I can say, "bitch I don't care what's going on with you right now, listen to what is happening to ME." and like, I bet it's aggravating, but I also know it'll be ok. And Amber can do that, too. Next, but no less important, I can be myself, however selfish or silly or dumb myself needs to be at any given time. Again, Amber can do that, too. And I think the last thing is feeling fairly certain tha I won't disappoint Amber by not being enough of anything. 

4. How do you handle stress, and how can I support you during those times?

Depends on the stress, really. Usually I need to vocalize it again and again and again while I work it out internally. I come to my own conclusions, and maybe it takes me a bit to get there, but I'll land there ifI can just rehash everything. Or even jut say I'm stressed. I'm not sure there's much that can be done, support wise? I think being there while I fiure everything out is enough. 

5. When was the last time you felt truly understood by me?

I'm not sure there's been a time where I've ever thought to myself, "I just fucking wish she really uneerstood me!" Like any misunderstandings have been superficial and not worth stressing over, because I usually assume it's an issue with how I present whatever is being misunderstood. 

6. Are there any unresolved issues between us that you would like to discuss?

I don't think so. I think tha we got to hash our shit out in Nashville, for the most part. I am hard pressed to hink of anything unresolved. This would have been a GREAT time to tell you about Cirque Du Soleil, though. 

7. What role do you think laughter and playfulness play in our relationship?

I think we've always been playful, so it's a pretty big part of our relationship. I would be shocked if you don't write somewhere in your survey about how the first time we hung out we just rolled around on your floor, which was goofy and strange and I think it really set the tone for how goofy and strange we could be together. Laughter has been a constant, even if we're having a serious conversation. 

8. What are your thoughts on our communication style and how can it be improved?

As a general rule, it's pretty good. I think it's definitely gotten better the last couple of years. My biggest beef about our relationship was that you'd ghost for however long you needed without even mentioning that you needed time to decompress, and I always felt like I never mattered when you did that. I always understood that you neededyour space and time, I just wanted  to be considered enough to be told. Honestly, communication has probably been more of a me problem the last few years, because as Ive learned to unmask, I have gotten steadily more bossy. Sometimes I bet I just need to listen instead of popping off at the mouth with telling you what to do. I hope that I ask you more often than not if yu want to just vent or if you want an opinion, but I bet I forget a lot and I end up just telling you what to do. 

9. How has our relationship evolved since we first met?

Oh, in all of the ways. Our relationship made it through a lack of internet, a lack of cell phones, a lack of access to physical closeness. We've become grown up friends that still get to be kids together, just wih grown up tastes, grown up boundaries, and grown up money. I think we are still exactly how we were thirty years ago, know. Thirty years older. 

10. Are there any habits or behaviors you’d like to work on improving for the sake of our relationship?

I think I am a railroader. I worry a lot about telling you what to do, and I am concerned that it presents n idea that I think I'm morally superior to you, or I don't think you can come to your own conclusions. I never give you advice with the expectation that you take it, but I am not so sure anything I say comes off that way. If there are certain people in your life who make you feel dumb, or make you feel less thn, none of those people should be me. 

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